We taught some Adults how to write there first name. One lady keep look at her name after she wrote it a couple of time. She smiled knowingly at her name. What in a name the world. One gal keep saying nothing would stay in her head but wrote her name to day without looking at it on another page. How much of who we are is in our name we carry thought this life.
The farm finish a state of art potato cellar. Water cooler and air circulating under the floor. It look wonderful. Everyone from around the world been coming to look at it. They dedicated it today. We miss the fun but had fun looking around.
Brent getting sick with what I had so hopeful we can fight it before he get sick. I starting to feel better so went back to the house of Rafaela, she is the one that said that i was hitting her hard about going back to church so I thought that I should go back and ask for her forgiveness. Went we got there we talk for a moment and I told her that I was sorry that I was so rough on her. Then she said "did they make you come and apologize to me", of course I didn't know who they were,so I said yes, and that was the end of it. Now the next thing is the hard part to explain, Connie had see them playing hop scotch the last time we were there , so she challenge the lady and her kids to a game. That's right you guest it we are now playing hop scotch. They play it a little different here, you jump out at the top to turn around and you can put your hand on the ground to pick up the piece that you throw. I TELL YOU WHAT it was all I could do to keep your mother from calling the little girl a cheater[ who was the first one to go]and throw her out of the game. Any way I told Connie that it is probable the way they play it down here, since it has been 50 years since we played it last. Any way we found out that it is hard to hop,skip and jump, but we done it, and Rafaela did it and we had a great time doing it.I was a little sore, that night but you know what, I sure did sleep better. AND it's nice to know we still have a little kick left in us.
End of day thinking about my name and what it mean to me.Amen to that.