Wednesday, March 28, 2007


We got the sink drain part we were missing. Work on the pump at complex two. Brent got so excited he been cutting me off in talking to him. The reason the water not running very well is it got a filter and it plug. We check it today and it running clear they got it flash Dad was going to do it but someone beat him to it. He hook up the drain to it so it will run the water outside the fence in area and away from the other pump and power thing. We walk in the botanical garden it old and part of big estate here. The guy that build the sugar factory. It got lots of different trees from some other countries. Dad was tire so we cut walk short and went home. We been ask to go to seminary in the morning a teacher having a hard time. We went this morning and the kids were so good but all he could see was kid not having song book. They were singing the songs. One girl was late and he wrote it up. He made them sound like monster we found normal teenagers. Will find a way to help.
End of a early to late day


Blogger Lillian said...

Ah yes welcome to my life. Everyday someone forgets to do something and it is usually my fault that they forgot to do the work. I need to be reminded often to be more patient with them and who they are? Thanks for the reminder.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Ma and Pa Buhler said...

All so Lillian remember that every day is different, like my comment on what a difference a day makes. What you do is amazing don't give up you are changing the lives of the students. And a little love goes along way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooDADAD and MOM

8:19 PM  

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